Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lab Created Diamonds

The term lab created diamonds has only one definition but it can have many different meanings to different people. Simply put, a lab-created diamond is exactly what it sounds like, a diamond made by man in a laboratory instead of miles under the earth by nature. These imitations can range from cut glass to the highly popular cubic zirconium and moissanite. All types of lab created diamonds offer consumers a less expensive alternative to natural diamonds, most without losing anything but the status associated with owning an actual diamond. This article will outline the different types of lab created diamonds in order to help our readers choose the right synthetic stones for whatever situation.

Cut Glass

Most people have heard of and seen cut glass costume jewelry. This obviously phony diamond alternative is amazing cheap and worth every penny. Cut glass isn’t seen as often today as it once was but is occasionally offered in costume jewelry settings. The rings, bracelets and earrings made with cut glass are normally very large and extremely tacky. However certain popular costume jewelry designers from the 20s and 30s produced some interesting pieces that are of value to collectors of costume jewelry. The use of cut glass has widely been replaced by the most popular diamond alternative, cubic zirconium.

Cubic Zirconium

Cubic zirconium is most likely the first name people think when the topic of lab-created diamonds is mentioned. By far the most popular imitation diamond substance, some CZs are indistinguishable to most ordinary people. Jewelers and experts in the gem industry can usually tell the difference between a real diamond and a cubic zirconium. If you hear the term Russian Diamond mentioned, don’t be fooled. Russian diamonds are just high quality CZs that even professionals have a hard time detecting without the use of special equipment. Cubic zirconium and moissanites are often paired together as the same type of lab created diamond, but in fact they are different.


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