Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Statement of Enduring Beauty

Diamonds are a class apart. Since the Middle Ages, diamonds have been mined and adorned as some of the most precious stones found on Earth. There is no disputing the fact that a diamond set in metal is not just an adornment, but also a style statement as well as an artistic possession.

Where diamond rings are hallmarks of purity and commitment and are most commonly seen as engagement rings and wedding bands; diamond earrings are more a work of art. Diamond earrings have been worn by women of all ages for long now. Whether young or old, different designs of diamond earrings appeal to different women. In the recent years, even men have taken to wearing diamond earrings, albeit as small studs and usually in one ear.

The popularity and variety of diamond earrings has reached its peak in the past few decades. These glittery stones have become the preferred ear adornment for all occasions as well as regular wear. Unlike other stones and gems, diamonds are more versatile and enduring and this makes them wearable with any ensemble, at any time of day. So whether you wear a formal suit to work or an elaborately cut dress to a party, diamond earrings add a touch of class to your look.

The earring is the most visible adornment and hence a well cut diamond or a collection of well cut diamonds set in an earring, add some direct sparkle to the face. Unlike other stones, a diamond doesn’t absorb light but rather reflects as well as refracts it. This adds a glow to the wearers face and augments the features. A craftily made pair of diamond earrings can even add a glint to the wearer’s eye. Nothing is better than wearing a gorgeous pair of earrings and enhancing your natural beauty with such a crafty stone.

Men’s diamond earrings are simpler and only a few men choose to wear them. Celebrities, movie stars and other icons sport a stone or two sometimes. Women’s diamond earrings on the other hand come in various designs. They can be solitaires or single diamonds, as well as a series of diamonds set in a dangler style. The more casual wear diamonds usually come in smaller stones set in a pattern of gold, silver or platinum. In fact, you need to be quite clear on your wearing need and budget to even start looking for diamond earrings, especially since the variety and designs are so innumerable

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